5 Funding Opportunities, 2 Restrictions, and Access to Case Studies Related to the American Rescue Plan


The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021 includes $365.9B in direct funding from the Federal Government for state, local, tribal, and territory infrastructure systems, including over $30B for transportation.

The funds available for transportation help cover the operating expenses of transit agencies to respond to the COVID-19 emergency. This includes payroll, operating costs, debt servicescapital investments, and transportation planning. ARP funds are available through 2024, but the FTA must establish funding opportunities no later than September 7, 2021.

To help transit agencies maximize the opportunities presented by this plan, we've compiled a list of powerful investments for these funds. 

  • Five high-impact investments for building better transit
  • Two restrictions for ARP funding to keep in mind
  • Case studies from transit providers who are designing data-driven transit systems that will scale for the future

Download the checklist to begin preparing your future transit services.

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